Certificate III in Business

- Course Description
- Course Details
- Delivery Modes
- Requirements
- Course Units
- Course Credits
- Pathways & Outcomes
- Your Trainer/Facilitator
- Course Description
Course Descripition
The Certificate III in Business gives students practical business skills and a qualification they can use to apply for junior administrative positions — or entry-level employment across various businesses and sectors.
Covering a range of skills relevant to an office or business environment, students will graduate with broad knowledge and a qualification that will help them get their foot in the door. Dive into interesting topics like sustainable work practices, workplace safety, document creation, communication, business proposals, scheduling, and more.
This course has been specifically tailored by Get Set Education to engage and equip Australian high school students. It is exclusively available as a teacher-led, classroom-based program, with all training materials provided.
- Course Details
Course Details
QualificationBSB30120 Certificate III in Business (Administration)
Course durationDelivered over 12 or 18 months
Year levelsCommencing in Year 10 or Year 11
Next intakeComing Soon
Delivery methodSchool-based, teacher-led
AssessmentsParticipation in projects, written questions, case studies, role plays, research, and reports
Course feesTBA
Payment optionsPay upfront or via a monthly payment plan
- Delivery Modes
Delivery Modes
The Certificate III in Business is only available as a school-based, teacher-led course.
School Based, Teacher-Led
Schools may enter into a third-party agreement with Get Set Education to offer this course. Suitably qualified teachers are provided with support, professional development, and resources to deliver the course face-to-face, along with an online learning component. Studies are based at the learner’s school, combined with the online learning platform.
In addition, all learners must undertake non-structured learning activities such as self-initiated learning, relevant research, and private study, prep, and follow up. Plus, other relevant activities (pending trainer’s approval) such as attending expos, watching webinars, and undertaking relevant non-accredited training courses.
- Requirements
There are no prerequisites for this qualification. However, to make sure you can keep up with the assessment and modules, Get Set Education requires that students have:
- A pass in English on their most recent school report card
- Appropriate Language, Literacy, and Numeracy skills (each student will need to complete an online assessment prior to finalising enrolment to ensure the course is suitable)
- A computer or laptop to access the online platform during class and in their own time
- An interest in business subjects
- Permission from parent/guardian (if under 18 years of age)
- Course Units
Course Units
The Certificate III in Business Administration requires the completion of 13 units of competency, including 6 core units and 7 elective units.Unit Code Unit Title Core/Elective BSBCRT311 Apply critical thinking skills in a team environment Core BSBPEF201 Support personal wellbeing in the workplace Core BSBSUS211 Participate in sustainable work practices Core BSBTWK301 Use inclusive work practices Core BSBWHS311 Assist with maintaining workplace safety Core BSBXCM301 Engage in workplace communication Core BSBTEC301 Design and produce business documents Elective (Group A) BSBWRT311 Write simple documents Elective (Group A) BSBESB302 Develop and present business proposals Elective (Group B) BSBPEF301 Organise personal work priorities Elective (Group B) BSBESB301 Investigate business opportunities Elective BSBMKG434 Promote products and services Elective BSBOPS404 Implement customer service strategies Elective - Course Credits
Course Credits
If you have already completed training with another RTO or have evidence of equivalent studies, we can grant you credit towards your course for applicable units of competency. Students can submit a Credit Application Form as part of their enrolment.
- Pathways & Outcomes
Pathways & Outcomes
Once students have successfully completed the BSB30120 Certificate III in Business they’ll be qualified for a range of jobs in the business industry, such as:
- Administration Assistant
- Customer Service Representative
- Data Entry Operator
- Receptionist
- Clerk
- Executive Assistant
- Personal Assistant
Alternatively, learners who complete this course may wish to continue their education into a Diploma level qualification or higher education. Graduates may qualify for university pathways like guaranteed entry into certain degrees or credit points towards courses.
- Your Trainer/Facilitator
Your Trainer/Facilitator
This course was developed by Kate Taylor, Founder of Get Set Education. She’s worked across various roles in business, education, and training for 10+ years, including high school and university education. Kate is an expert in providing great quality education materials and hands-on support to teachers and trainers.
More About This Course
Want to learn more about this course and what it’s like to study through Get Set Education? Download course outlines and student handbooks via the Resources page, or explore our Knowledgebase.

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